Multiple possible outputs
Activation Function |
Loss Function |
Logistic Regression (Binary Classification) |
Logistic Function: $\frac{1}{1+e^{-u}}$ |
Logistic loss |
Multi-Class Logistic Regression (Learn one of many options) |
Vector u as input $\sigma_{sm}(\vec{u})_i = \frac{e^{u_i}}{\sum_{j = 1}^{L} e^{u_j}}$ | Binary Cross-Entropy (BCE) |
Softmax emphasizes relatively larger values
Interpret the input the softmax as log probabilities Output of softmax as estimated probabilities
For multi-class classification, we're going to have a multidimensional "ground truth" $y$ that we aspire to. So I'll define something called the "one-hot vector" $\vec{y}^k$ as
(this is also referred to as the "standard basis vector" $\vec{e}_i$ in $k$-dimensional Euclidean space)
Ex) $\vec{y}^6 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]$
Binary cross-entropy loss between an input $\vec{u}$ to the softmax and a 1-hot vector $y_i^{k}$ is defined as
BCE is 0 if and if only if the outputs of the softmax exactly match the 1-hot vector
Def. Entropy of a probability mass function (PMF) NOTE: A PMF is an array of possible outcomes with the probabilities
Ex) PMF $X = [0:0.2, 1:0.5, 2:0.3]$
$H(X) = \sum_{i} p_i \log_2(1/p_i)$
$H(X) = -\sum_{i} p_i \log_2(p_i)$
Entropy is a measure of the expected number of bits that I should use in an optimal representation of my random variable. Have a look back at Huffman trees from CS 174 for an example of using more bits for less likely things and vice versa.
Cross-entropy is a measure of the expected number of bits that I have to use if I assume the wrong distribution (in this case the output of the softmax) when using probabilities from the target distribution (in this case the 1-hot vector)
import numpy as np
0.2*np.log2(1/0.2) + 0.5*np.log2(1/0.5) + 0.3*np.log2(1/0.3)
We want the derivatites of the BCE loss with respect to different components $u_i$ of the input $\vec{u}$
There's only one component that actually matters when we're using the one-hot vector $\vec{y}^k_i$
Let's suppose that $i = k$
By the chain rule, we have
Let's look at the derivative of the inner:
Quotient Rule: $f(x) = P(x)/Q(x), f'(x) = (P'(x)Q(x) - Q'(x)P(x))/(Q(x)^2)$
$P(u_k) = e^{u_k}$
$Q(u_k) = \sum_{j = 1}^{L} e^{u_j}$
$P'(u_k) = Q'(u_k) = e^{u_k}$
Plugging this back into the full derivative of BCE, we get
which simplifies to
For the hot $k$, the update rule is
In other words, if we're not big enough at our softmax output, we should nudge $u_k$ to the right. This will make $\frac{e^{u_k}}{\sum_{j = 1}^{L} e^{u_j}}$ closer to 1
Let's take the derivative of the inner using the quotient rule again
$P(u_i) = e^{u_k}$
$Q(u_i) = \sum_{j=1}^L e^{u_j}$
Because we're taking the derivative with respect to $u_i$, and $i \neq k$, we treat $u_k$ as a constant. Therefore,
$P'(u_i) = 0$
$Q'(u_i) = e^{u_i}$
and we end up with
Plugging this back into the derivative of BCE loss, we have the following incredibly simple expression after a cancellation
The update rule for gradient descent for a cold 0 is then
In other words, if our softmax output is greater than 0 at our cold 0, we should nudge $u_i$ to the left. This will make $\frac{e^{u_i}}{\sum_{j = 1}^{L} e^{u_j}}$ closer to 0