import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import skimage
import torch
from torch import nn
from import Dataset, DataLoader
class DigitsData(Dataset):
def __init__(self, foldername):
# Pre-load and remember digits in ram so they can be
# quickly accessed (this is not always feasible if the
# dataset is too big)
res = 28
digits = []
for i in range(10):
I ="{}/{}.png".format(foldername, i))/255.0
row = 0
col = 0
while row < I.shape[0]:
col = 0
while col < I.shape[1]:
img = I[row:row+res, col:col+res]
if np.sum(img) > 0:
col += res
row += res
#print(len(digits[i]), "unique ", i, " digits")
self.digits = digits
def __len__(self):
return sum([len(d) for d in self.digits])
def __getitem__(self, idx):
y = 0
while len(self.digits[y]) <= idx:
idx -= len(self.digits[y])
y += 1
# Note that torch tensors and weights are 32 bits by default
# so we should convert our dataset to that format
x = np.array(self.digits[y][idx], np.float32).flatten()
# Create a 1-hot vector representing the output class
yhot = np.zeros(len(self.digits), dtype=np.float32)
yhot[y] = 1
# Convert to torch tensors
return torch.from_numpy(x), torch.from_numpy(yhot)
training = DigitsData("Digits")
testing = DigitsData("DigitsTest")
print("len(trainin)", len(training))
print("len(testing)", len(testing))
len(trainin) 60000 len(testing) 10000
Now we can create a data loader and take out a random batch to look at
loader = DataLoader(training, batch_size=16, shuffle=True)
X, Y = next(iter(loader))
print("X.shape", X.shape)
print("Y.shape", Y.shape)
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
plt.subplot(4, 4, i+1)
plt.imshow(X[i, :].view(28, 28), cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=1)
if i == 0:
plt.title("{}".format(Y[i, :]))
X.shape torch.Size([16, 784]) Y.shape torch.Size([16, 10])
Setup a training loop to do "mini batch graident descent"
Loop through all of the training data a bunch of times and update the weight and bias parameters via gradient descent
Our architecture is going to be a single linear layer followed by softmax, which is the setup for multiclass logistic regression:
linear = nn.Linear(28*28, 10) # This has W and b in it
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(linear.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
loss_fn = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() # Function that I can use to do
# binary cross-entropy loss
n_epochs = 50
losses = np.zeros(n_epochs)
accuracy = np.zeros(n_epochs)
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
loader = DataLoader(training, batch_size=64, shuffle=True)
total_loss = 0
num_correct = 0
for X, Y in loader:
# Go through each batch
Y_est = linear(X)
# Sum up the losses for each example
loss = loss_fn(Y_est, Y)
# Compute the number of examples that are correct
num_correct += torch.sum(torch.argmax(Y_est, dim=1)
== torch.argmax(Y, dim=1)).item()
# Compute the gradient of the loss function
# with respect to all parameterse in the optimizer
# Apply gradient descent
# Clear accumulated gradients for next time
# Accumulate the loss over all batches
total_loss += loss.item() # (Don't keep taking gradients)
losses[epoch] = total_loss
accuracy[epoch] = num_correct / len(training)
print("Epoch {}, loss {:.3f}, accuracy {:.3f}".format(epoch, losses[epoch], accuracy[epoch]))
Epoch 0, loss 138.865, accuracy 0.789 Epoch 1, loss 86.124, accuracy 0.874 Epoch 2, loss 77.864, accuracy 0.885 Epoch 3, loss 74.223, accuracy 0.891 Epoch 4, loss 72.090, accuracy 0.895 Epoch 5, loss 70.745, accuracy 0.897 Epoch 6, loss 69.607, accuracy 0.900 Epoch 7, loss 69.019, accuracy 0.901 Epoch 8, loss 68.060, accuracy 0.903 Epoch 9, loss 67.479, accuracy 0.904 Epoch 10, loss 67.097, accuracy 0.905 Epoch 11, loss 66.740, accuracy 0.905 Epoch 12, loss 66.440, accuracy 0.906 Epoch 13, loss 66.179, accuracy 0.907 Epoch 14, loss 65.683, accuracy 0.908 Epoch 15, loss 65.664, accuracy 0.909 Epoch 16, loss 65.368, accuracy 0.909 Epoch 17, loss 65.227, accuracy 0.909 Epoch 18, loss 64.809, accuracy 0.910 Epoch 19, loss 64.727, accuracy 0.910 Epoch 20, loss 64.698, accuracy 0.909 Epoch 21, loss 64.521, accuracy 0.911 Epoch 22, loss 64.341, accuracy 0.911 Epoch 23, loss 64.202, accuracy 0.911 Epoch 24, loss 63.884, accuracy 0.911 Epoch 25, loss 63.990, accuracy 0.912 Epoch 26, loss 63.639, accuracy 0.913 Epoch 27, loss 63.669, accuracy 0.913 Epoch 28, loss 63.482, accuracy 0.913 Epoch 29, loss 63.288, accuracy 0.913 Epoch 30, loss 63.464, accuracy 0.913 Epoch 31, loss 63.222, accuracy 0.913 Epoch 32, loss 63.201, accuracy 0.913 Epoch 33, loss 62.984, accuracy 0.914 Epoch 34, loss 62.869, accuracy 0.914 Epoch 35, loss 62.748, accuracy 0.914 Epoch 36, loss 62.809, accuracy 0.914 Epoch 37, loss 62.618, accuracy 0.915 Epoch 38, loss 62.612, accuracy 0.914 Epoch 39, loss 62.525, accuracy 0.915 Epoch 40, loss 62.065, accuracy 0.916 Epoch 41, loss 62.643, accuracy 0.914 Epoch 42, loss 62.270, accuracy 0.914 Epoch 43, loss 62.270, accuracy 0.915 Epoch 44, loss 62.140, accuracy 0.915 Epoch 45, loss 62.234, accuracy 0.915 Epoch 46, loss 61.973, accuracy 0.915 Epoch 47, loss 61.814, accuracy 0.916 Epoch 48, loss 62.064, accuracy 0.916 Epoch 49, loss 61.927, accuracy 0.916
plt.title("Loss Curve")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Loss Curve')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Accuracy')
We do well on the test data, so our model that we trained "generalized" to unseen examples
loader = DataLoader(testing, batch_size=len(testing), shuffle=True)
total_loss = 0
num_correct = 0
X, Y = next(iter(loader))
Y_est = linear(X)
# Compute the number of examples that are correct
num_correct = torch.sum(torch.argmax(Y_est, dim=1)
== torch.argmax(Y, dim=1)).item()
W, b = linear.parameters()
for i in range(10):
plt.subplot(4, 4, i+1)
plt.imshow(W[i, :].detach().view(28, 28), cmap='RdBu', interpolation='none', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
plt.subplot(4, 4, 16)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Bias')